Constitution and Bylaws
Purpose: Responsible for periodically reviewing the governing documents of the Association and the Central Elections manual and making recommendations for changes. Responsible for handling the details of preparing the ballot, conducting the election, and other election related responsibilities.
Convention Planning
Purpose: Responsible for planning and implementing the annual Representative Assembly.
Awards Committee
Purpose: Responsible for designing an award program for effective local associations and outstanding association leaders and nominating potential award recipients.
Diversity Committee
Purpose: Responsible for planning and implementing strategies for engaging a diverse cross section of members in Association leadership.
ESP Advisory Committee
Purpose: Responsible for recommending programs and services that address the needs of Educational Support Professional locals and members.
Emerging Leaders Committee
Purpose: Responsible for creating and delivering programs and services that address the needs of emerging leaders within Central.
Finance Committee
Purpose: Responsible for recommending an annual budget to the Executive Board and Representative Assembly, overseeing expenditures, administering grant programs, and performing other duties that pertain to the fiscal oversight of the Association.
Membership Development Committee
Purpose: Responsible for planning conferences and workshops for local leaders and general membership designed to meet local association needs and personal professional growth.
Member Communications Committee
Purpose: Responsible for making recommendations related to effective communications between the Association and its members.
Organizing Committee
Purpose: To review and understand the NEA competencies on organizing to determine how to best serve our members in this regard. To mobilize our members in action to become education advocates.
Retired Advisory Committee
Purpose: Purpose: Responsible for making recommendations related to the effective recruitment and involvement of retired members in the Association.
If you are interested in joining a committee, please complete this form.