Central's Local Participation Award Program is intended to build stronger, better-informed Local Associations by rewarding active participation in Central’s programming, along with meeting other defined criteria. Local Associations that meet all the required criteria (see below) will earn a total award of $1300 annually. An initial awards payment will be made to Local Associations in January, with the balance of the award paid in June.

Qualifying Events:

Attend fall and winter Area Meetings* 100
3 or more Education Advocate Leaders* 50
Attend and vote at both OEA RAs** 100
Elect full complement of delegates to OEA RA** 100
Attend and vote at Central RA* 100
Attend OEA Treasurers’ Workshop* 50
Constitution & Bylaws compliance** 50
Produce and submit four or more local newsletters*** 200
Meet your OEA Fund goal** 50
Membership: 90%+ or increase by 3%** 200
Attend FCPE candidate screening** 50
Attend Central’s building rep training* 50
Attend Central’s presidents training* 50
Attend Central’s All Area Dinner* 50
Members attending Central’s Power Up Conference* 50
Members attending Central’s Diversity Conference* 50
TOTAL $1300

*Online registration via Central's website is mandatory for tracking local association attendance at events and determining monetary awards.
**Data received from OEA or Central OEA/NEA
***Submit to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Member Communication/Newsletter
Quarterly newsletters shall go out to all local members and share from the following suggestions along with any local news:
1. Central, OEA and/or NEA upcoming events for: PD, leadership development, diversity training, lobbying, FCPE drive, RA news, etc.
2. Local tidbits: such as meeting dates and places, a “contractual right of members”, something positive about one or more member or local committee
3. Share with your local’s newsletter editor that s/he should send a digital copy when sending to your members to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you email your newsletters, please include your Local's full name in the subject line. Newsletters are due May 31st to be included in the balance of the award paid in June.