Central Vice President
(Unexpired term ending August 31, 2026)

Area 1 Representative
(Three-year term ending August 31st, 2028)

Area 2 Representative
(Three-year term ending August 31st, 2028)

Area 3 Representative
(Three-year term ending August 31st, 2028)

Area 5 Representative #4
(Three-year term ending August 31st, 2028)

Higher Ed Representative
(Three-year term ending August 31st, 2028)

OEA Board of Directors 3
(Three-year term ending July 14th, 2028)

OEA Board of Directors 5
(Unexpired term ending July 14, 2027)

OEA Board of Directors 6
(Three-year term ending July 14th, 2028)

OEA Board of Directors 7
(Unexpired term ending July 14, 2026)

For OEA Board of Directors positions, candidates must submit this form to William Baird no later than February 9th, 2025.
For Central positions, candidates must submit this form to Central no later than February 24th, 2025.