We have set the times and dates for the Central Treasurers' Workshops for 2025. You may choose to attend either or both.

Attending a Treasurer’s Workshop is a requirement to qualify for the OEA fiscal fitness award. We also recommend that Newer Local Presidents and Local Membership Chairs attend the New Treasurers' Workshop.

The Central Treasurers workshop(s) will be VIRTUAL via Zoom

6/5/24 - New Treasurers' Workshop 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Our traditional annual offering of training for Local Treasurers with limited experience

6/5/24 - Experienced Treasurers' Workshop - 10:45 a.m. - Noon
Our traditional annual offering of training for Local Treasurers with experience

To register:
Login to your Central account (or create one if you don't have one)
Scroll down to the training session you wish to attend and click “going"
Wait a moment for your selection to register. That's it.

We’ll send Zoom information a few days prior to the training.